Digital Product Designer

Indian Designer and DeveloperSpecializing In Product Design andInteractive concepts‌.‌ ‌A‌s a freelancer‌,‌ I worked withCompanies‌,‌ ‌A‌gencies‌,‌ Startups
andIndividuals across world‌.‌‌A‌vailable For Remote work

I started my career by learning by myself and through online tutorials and sheer motivation‌,‌ starting with small challenges in the early stages of his
career before moving on to bigger ones‌.‌

I believe that my job as designer comes with a greater responsibility than just defining client goals and creating a strategy to fulfill. I embrace my commitment to helping our clients set higher goals by innovating technology. I will look past the problem and solution to explore the unchartered potential of every client and the vast possibilities with modern technology. Also believe that client's brand should be precisely what they have imagined - and even more so.

User Experience
User Experience
Front End Development
Front End Development
User Persona
User Persona
UI Design
UI Design
Mobile App Design
Mobile App Design
Product Design
Product Design
User Experience
User Experience
Front End Development
Front End Development
User Persona
User Persona
UI Design
UI Design
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Product Design
Product Design
UI Design
UI Design
Mobile App Design
Mobile App Design
Product Design
Product Design
User Experience
User Experience
Front End Development
Front End Development
User Persona
User Persona

Designing with passion while exploring the world